Friday, September 12, 2008

Leonardo Dicaprios October Surprise

The film is an other attempt of ritrarre l America as malvagit and comprises the topics of torture, the operations secrets and the accusations of the terrorist that are made towards the not guilty victims. After successful being not to design the public with the war film price dell anti-Irak gradice the yield, Arrest-Loss, the reign and in go them of Elah, Hollywood are still it. The conditions of the title it of the Los Angeles Times that DiCaprio and the director Ridley Scott cospirano to then render to a blow film and label on the following one sottotito it: The director and l actor thinks the Body Of Lie or the Iraq-war film that at last designs a crowd.. In days of closing of the presidential season of campaign, the body of the lies, Leo DiCaprio starring, is regulated for the release.

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